Sanity checking the CIC Emu to make sure nothing went wrong there.

In [33]:
import matplotlib
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
import seaborn as sns

In [34]:
from pearce.emulator import NashvilleHot

In [35]:
from GPy.kern import *

In [36]:
import numpy as np
from os import path

In [37]:
training_file = '/u/ki/swmclau2/des/cic_zheng07_v3/PearceCICCosmo.hdf5'

In [38]:
em_method = 'gp'

In [39]:
fixed_params = {'z':0.0}

In [40]:
hyperparams = {'kernel': (Linear(input_dim=7, ARD=True) + RBF(input_dim=7, ARD=True)+Bias(input_dim=7),
                            RBF(input_dim=5, ARD=True)+Bias(input_dim=5) ), \
               'optimize': True}

In [41]:
df = 0.1

In [42]:
emu = NashvilleHot(training_file, fixed_params = fixed_params,\
                   downsample_factor = df, hyperparams=hyperparams)

(array([], dtype=int64), array([], dtype=int64))
0 ***************
Optimization restart 1/3, f = -19744.4952624
Optimization restart 2/3, f = -19743.2487995
Optimization restart 3/3, f = -19743.8390307
1 ***************
Optimization restart 1/3, f = -19809.7853382
Optimization restart 2/3, f = -19802.5194237
Optimization restart 3/3, f = -19809.7299895
2 ***************
Optimization restart 1/3, f = -19472.0097687
Optimization restart 2/3, f = -19472.005206
Optimization restart 3/3, f = -19472.0008816
3 ***************
Optimization restart 1/3, f = -17801.8953115
Optimization restart 2/3, f = -17800.2846211
Optimization restart 3/3, f = -17801.8597852
4 ***************
Optimization restart 1/3, f = -15744.944958
Optimization restart 2/3, f = -15745.650192
Optimization restart 3/3, f = -15745.3173747
5 ***************
Optimization restart 1/3, f = -13616.5223656
Optimization restart 2/3, f = -13629.8020804
Optimization restart 3/3, f = -13630.677901
6 ***************
Optimization restart 1/3, f = -11479.6668931
Optimization restart 2/3, f = -11478.6614875
Optimization restart 3/3, f = -11477.1523994
7 ***************
Optimization restart 1/3, f = -9077.71382688
Optimization restart 2/3, f = -8970.25121541
Optimization restart 3/3, f = -8922.58882491
8 ***************
Optimization restart 1/3, f = -4728.00857606
Optimization restart 2/3, f = -4427.0429385
Optimization restart 3/3, f = -4735.51842233
9 ***************
Optimization restart 1/3, f = -547.877713958
Optimization restart 2/3, f = -548.865951778
Optimization restart 3/3, f = -577.30561013
10 ***************
Optimization restart 1/3, f = 3264.73842129
Optimization restart 2/3, f = 3291.18346569
Optimization restart 3/3, f = 3484.33529868
11 ***************
Optimization restart 1/3, f = 3309.99552251
Optimization restart 2/3, f = 3348.29119792
Optimization restart 3/3, f = 3319.95329074
12 ***************
Optimization restart 1/3, f = 2506.71130768
Optimization restart 2/3, f = 2643.30649831
Optimization restart 3/3, f = 2588.99201391
13 ***************
Optimization restart 1/3, f = 1197.61495022
Optimization restart 2/3, f = 1446.01560562
Optimization restart 3/3, f = 1307.51892865
14 ***************
Optimization restart 1/3, f = -1692.84878247
Optimization restart 2/3, f = -1408.56838076
Optimization restart 3/3, f = -242.857950589
def random_parameter_point(emu): params = {} for p in emu.get_param_names(): low, high = emu.get_param_bounds(p) params[p] = (high-low)*np.random.rand() + low return params
for i in xrange(100): params = random_parameter_point(emu) plt.plot(emu.scale_bin_centers, emu.emulate_wrt_r(params).squeeze(), alpha = 0.3)

In [66]:
#test_file = '/home/users/swmclau2/scratch/cic_zheng07_test_v2/PearceCICCosmoTest.hdf5'
test_file = '/u/ki/swmclau2/des/cic_zheng07_v3_test/PearceCICCosmoTest.hdf5'

In [67]:
pred_y, data_y = emu.goodness_of_fit(test_file,   statistic = None)

(array([], dtype=int64), array([], dtype=int64))

In [68]:
print (np.abs(10**pred_y - 10**data_y)/(10**data_y)).mean(axis =1)

[1.15726880e-02 1.48673338e-02 1.21261671e-02 1.53968438e-02
 2.70498472e-02 3.53191289e-02 5.26211902e-02 6.12756585e-02
 1.74444277e-01 5.64671105e-01 2.19934536e+00 2.27001102e+00
 1.30380796e+01 3.45931968e+01 9.47138753e+01]

In [69]:
print (np.abs(pred_y - data_y)/np.abs(data_y)).mean(axis =1)

[0.01530528 0.00835725 0.005126   0.00480486 0.00674258 0.00730476
 0.00921099 0.00923475 0.01657026 0.02718494 0.07633933 0.08793831
 0.07771511 0.06004849 0.04352308]

In [70]:

array([-0.27771337, -0.68950851, -1.1012294 , -1.48824852, -1.84954122,
       -2.18725868, -2.50557234, -2.80957238, -3.11165192, -3.10806361,
       -5.03451044, -6.56396544, -7.57341293, -8.18721988, -8.60465501])

In [71]:
idx = 100

In [72]:
for idx in np.random.choice(pred_y.shape[1], 20, replace = False):
    plt.plot(emu.scale_bin_centers, 10**pred_y[:, idx], label = 'Emu')
    plt.plot(emu.scale_bin_centers, 10**data_y[:, idx], label = 'True')
    plt.plot(emu.scale_bin_centers, 10**emu._y_mean, label = 'Mean')

    plt.legend(loc = 'best');

In [73]:
for idx in np.random.choice(pred_y.shape[1], 20, replace = False):
    plt.plot(emu.scale_bin_centers[:10], 10**pred_y[:10, idx], label = 'Emu')
    plt.plot(emu.scale_bin_centers[:10], 10**data_y[:10, idx], label = 'True')
    plt.plot(emu.scale_bin_centers[:10], 10**emu._y_mean[:10], label = 'Mean')

    plt.legend(loc = 'best');

In [74]:
test_mean = data_y.mean(axis = 1)
test_std = data_y.std(axis = 1)

In [75]:
data = emu.y.reshape((15, -1))

In [76]:
data = data*emu._y_std.reshape((-1, 1)) + emu._y_mean.reshape((-1,1))

In [77]:

(15, 40000)

In [78]:
train_mean = data.mean(axis = 1 )
train_std = data.std(axis = 1)

In [79]:
plt.plot(emu.scale_bin_centers, 10**test_mean, label = 'Test Mean')
plt.plot(emu.scale_bin_centers, 10**train_mean, label = 'Train Mean')

plt.legend(loc = 'best');

In [80]:
plt.plot(emu.scale_bin_centers, train_mean/test_mean)
plt.plot(emu.scale_bin_centers, np.ones_like(emu.scale_bin_centers), ls = '--')

#plt.legend(loc = 'best');

In [81]:
plt.plot(emu.scale_bin_centers, train_std, label = 'Train')
plt.plot(emu.scale_bin_centers, test_std, label = 'Test')

In [82]:
plt.plot(emu.scale_bin_centers, train_std/test_std)
plt.plot(emu.scale_bin_centers, np.ones_like(emu.scale_bin_centers), ls = '--')

#plt.legend(loc = 'best');

In [83]:

array([ 1.5,  2.5,  3.5,  4.5,  5.5,  6.5,  7.5,  8.5,  9.5, 12.5, 18.5,
       27. , 39. , 57. , 84. ])

In [84]:
import h5py
test_mean = np.zeros((15,))
with h5py.File(test_file, 'r') as f:
    for key in f.keys():
        test_mean+=f[key]['a_1.000']['obs'][()].mean(axis = 0)

In [85]:
import h5py
train_mean = np.zeros((15,))
with h5py.File(training_file, 'r') as f:
    for key in f.keys():
        train_mean+=f[key]['a_1.000']['obs'][()].mean(axis = 0)

In [86]:
plt.plot(emu.scale_bin_centers, test_mean, color = 'r')
plt.plot(emu.scale_bin_centers, train_mean, color = 'b')

In [87]:

array([-0.27771337, -0.68950851, -1.1012294 , -1.48824852, -1.84954122,
       -2.18725868, -2.50557234, -2.80957238, -3.11165192, -3.10806361,
       -5.03451044, -6.56396544, -7.57341293, -8.18721988, -8.60465501])

In [ ]: